Goodbye to Ecuador. Goodbye to the mountains of Quito. And Zazu and Crepes y Waffles, both wonderful restaurants — high and low. Goodbye to the Galapagos and the iguanas and sea lions, the albatrosses with their mating dance and the blue footed boobies with their eggs. Goodbye to the M/V Santa Cruz and all the friends we made on our voyage — Scott and Emily, Ron, Daniella and Juan Diego, and all the Boobies and all the guides. Goodbye to Cotopaxi and the cows of Esteban. Goodbye to the houses with their second stories waiting to be built some day down the line. And goodbye the Indians of Otaval parading with their fighting roosters.

Ecuador was our first country. There will be many more, but none will be the first. Ecuador is where we began our journey. Where we got our first stamps in our passports. Where we spoke a foreign language for the first time. Where we tasted new foods, especially Ahi — our new favorite spicy sauce. Ecuador is where we arrived at night and felt a little frightened. And Ecuador is where we left as the city came to life as the sun rose with so many joggers out in the morning on the streets of the old town. And Ecuador is where Franny cried when she had to say goodbye to Ignacio and Martina. Goodbye to the Espinozas and the Albornoz’s. We thank them for taking us into their families. Now we feel like we have a place to come home to.
Gracias. Adios ecuador
: ) Lovely.
What a thrilling beginning, to see so much and to meet so many. Buen Viaje to the continued journey thourgh Sud America.
Thank you guys! It was a wonderful experience to us to be part of your journey. We are glad you had a great time. We will follow your trip, and I hope that you have great experiences in your way. You know you have to come back some day; we will be waiting for that time to come… We miss you a lot! Love, JJ, Kari, Igna and Marti
Buen viaje! les queremos mucho!!
You are just missing Julian Assange. #Ecuador is trending in my Twitterverse and I assumed it was due to your departure. Anyway, this is a bit late but: http://www.freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-press/2011/ecuador
Can’t wait for first installment of Chapter II and I have to admit that I love the two narratives I’m getting: 1) A Year to Think 2) Lulu/Franny SM comms.
I have joined Franny and shed a tear with her here in Sherman Oaks….I’m also sad to see you leave your first country and your first special friends.
Tomorrow is another day.
P.S. Love Mark’s new hat! The baseball cap is soooooo LA.